After the visit
There is a final phase of the Guest Experience Cycle. This is the follow-up after the visit. Something which is quite normal within the hotel industry and with online purchases as well. A small gesture or just a message to express gratitude for bringing you their business.
Following up after any visit requires 1 essential variable: contact information. Without this info of course it is impossible to keep in touch. So how do you get this information:
After any reservation you should have a phone number or email-address
Give your guests the possibility to leave their credentials when you bring the bill
Actively ask them to sign up for the newsletter
Now that we received their info we can contact them. Do not forget to keep an organized database for future reference. The more specific the better.
So you are ready to sent your guest a follow-up message. Many options available, ranging from simple and traditional to innovative and creative. Use your imagination:
A text message thanking them
An email with regards and possibly an incentive for a future visit
A personal invitation for a special event you host
Personal note:
Nowadays the sky is the limit. You can do whatever you want as a follow-up. You do not have to give anything for free. A simple voucher never had any real value to me. I would prefer a more personal approach with a custom offer. Just try and think what you can offer to certain guests. You can differentiate, so offer regulars something different. Or big spenders or special incentive to be able to spend more on your business through whatever way you come up with.
Just a small disclaimer, please be aware of data gathering and usage. It should be in compliance with applicable privacy legislation.
Den The Man