Drinking etiquette

etiquette good manners bar wine drinks restaurant goede manieren dentheman24

Of course there are some social rules which are preferable when drinking. So when working in a bar you should definitely be aware of those and try to abide by these beautiful etiquettes.

Now what are some basic principles of drinking etiquette:

  • When toasting, try and look people in their eyes but do not make it ackward
  • Do not slam down your glassware on table or bar
  • Tilting your head backwards to finish a drink
  • Maintain an average pace while drinking. Do not drink faster than your host
  • Fight the urge to eat the garnish of your drink
  • Do not drink while you still have food in your mouth
  • Use the right glassware for a certain type of drink
  • Hold your glassware the right way
  • Do not stain your glass with grease or food
  • Drink slowly and do not spill your drink over your chin and clothing
  • Do not slurp your drink

A lot of rules, some of which are just common sense. Memorize them and stick to them.


Personal note:

If only every patron at the bar would keep to these rules… The world would be a better place. Imagine how relaxing, clean and sophisticated it would be to go for a drink.
I can only try to give the good example, and so can you.
If ever in any doubt how to handle yourself in company, just copy what everyone else is doing. Even when you are quite sure it is not the proper drinking etiquette, at least you will keep yourself to a social etiquette of not offending anyone else.


Den The Man

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