
bar restaurant magic toveren trick dentheman24

Depending on your venue the level of entertainment is variable. But entertainment is always there, or at least should be. Just pouring drinks is something a machine can do. Entertaining is a human talent which you want to acquire if you have not yet done so.

All entertainment has 4 basic principles to it:

  • Preparation
  • Execution
  • Evaluation
  • Teamwork

Just as any other skill or job, you need to be prepared. In this case that really depends on what you are doing. Even if you just have a special way of greeting your guests, you prepared yourself so you are able to when your guest comes in. Or when shaking cocktails, you had to learn somewhere how to do that: preparation.

The execution speaks for itself. The moment you entertain your guest(s). From just having a conversation about the weather to setting your bar top on fire.

Evaluation of your work is essential. You do it all time even without noticing. Thinking about what just happened and smoothen the edges in your mind. What should you do better next time. Take time evaluating with yourself and your colleagues.

Teamwork makes the dream work, and it is true. You need your co-workers to help you. To take over that service order as you are in the middle of your flair-routine, or when you are trying to find a song that regular would really like to hear. It is all entertainment and your family needs to have your back.

Personal note:

It is a general misconception that entertainment is always flashy. Sure it helps, but it is more about what you can do to enrich the Guest Experience Cycle. Creating special moments for your guests, something for them to remember. This can be a friendly ear listening to the person who had a rough day or having the attention of a full club aimed at your for playing with fire.
And by the way, some entertainment such as tricks with fire are dangerous. Do not try them without proper supervision or having preventive measures ready.


Den The Man

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