Guest Experience Cycle
Before a guest decides to visit your establishment, there are several stages which they go through. In 7 steps we cover the guest experience-cycle to understand more about the psychology of our guests.
All these stages complete the Guest Experience Cycle, in other words; how does a guest experiences your business from start to finish. There might be more to it than you initially thought, a person judges a business in every stage of the cycle. Most importantly obviously is the actual visit, but almost equally important is the process after the visit.
This guest life-cycle originated from the hotel-industry but it’s a great way to look at the customer in any café, bar or restaurant. Feel free to adjust and tweak our advices to your personal needs.
Using this system as a method to upgrade your service-level is recommended. Think about all the steps in the ‘Guest Experience Cycle’ and see what your customer sees.
Where can you improve?
This is the real question you need to ask yourself and your establishment.
Personal note:
All guests are different, but their experience-cycle is the same. There is so much to gain here. Sharing of your content, word of mouth, free feedback, more sales and higher profits.
Most businesses do not take advantage of this possibility, a missed opportunity to make the difference!
Den The Man