How to process a reservation in an app?
Using an online website, system or app is a good idea in general. When this app is made for taking reservations it’s even better since that is what we’re looking for. Usually it is the older staff members having some issues with more technology on the floor. Usage of an app has some real advantages which you might not have thought of, just have a look:
It has all your necessary fields so no excuses for incomplete reservations.
You can use all the information by exporting it into other software so you can send (digital) newsletters or find out who your customer really is.
Everyone in your company can browse and see reservations so they know all they need to know in a few swipes on a smartphone or tablet.
No more misunderstandings because of lost pieces of paper and scribbled notes.
With the aforementioned advantages comes the biggest disadvantage:
Setting up your online reservations management system
This takes some time if you are not tech-savvy. Most companies however will offer you the service of setting up the app, ready for your company to work with.
Some other small things to consider whether or not an app would work for your company:
It works best when all staff members have a smartphone, that way they can login at home or during their commute to work. This will save time since they do not have to do that whilst on the clock.
You will need a desktop, laptop or tablet in your establishment. Most apps should offer you the possibility to get a pre-installed tablet when buying the app.
Check the costs of the app, is it an all-in price or you pay per reservation?
Personal note:
Instead of writing hieroglyphics, nowadays we work online. I was sceptic at first when the first apps for hospitality were invented. It must have been around 2010. Those were pretty shitty interfaces and a horrible layout. We came a long way since then.
Now we have apps which might even suggest table seating automatically, send after sales by email and much more. I have an app in which I included all functions I think are necessary.
In a field where most workers are relatively young and life is fast, I can not live without apps anymore. Whether it be a messenger app, rosters- or reservations manager, once you implement it the right way it makes life so much easier!
Den The Man