Losing their dog

Customers that shout, snap their fingers or whistle for attention. They seem to be lost in reality or really are looking for their lost pet. It is likely however they mean to get your attention. A horrible habit some ‘people‘ apparently possess.
What tells do we have on this person:

  • Making you run up and down for no apparent reason
  • Usually 40+ years of age

Very hard to determine this kind of character when they come in. They might even seem pretty cool at first, up until the point some shortage in their brain causes them to be an idiot. It is an absolute disrespectful way of communicating and shows a weird sense of entitlement.
Feel free to ignore them so they finally will get up and leave or give them 1 warning.

Personal note:

For some reason I believe the persons acting this way, probably get bullied around at home or at their jobs. I have served some rich people, which were decadent and demanding, but still communicated with patience and respect. Why is it always the presumptuous customer acting out in a bad way? Probably because if you do have your life on track, you do not care to patronize others.

I have had someone snap their fingers and whistle maybe 2 or 3 times in my life. The first time I obediently went over and apologized. Later on I thought about it and came to a conclusion: ‘I must really be an idiot if I’m the one to apologize’, and decided next time that wouldn’t happen again.
The next time when it did happen I shouted to them from a few tables over. “If you have lost your dog I will help you search, if you are getting my attention by treating me like I’m much less of a person I suggest you take your things now and leave”. Shocked they looked over to see all other tables them chuckling. They didn’t leave but were very kind the rest of the time. Call people out on their bullshit!


Den The Man

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