No leverage in the real world

Some people do not have any saying at home or at work. They are bossed around everywhere they go. So when they finally encounter anyone to which they remotely feel  they can tell them what to do, they take advantage. It is understandable really.
What tells do we have on this person:

  • No expressions or emotions on face

If you are used to be told what to do every day, it takes away from your social intelligence. So when they have the chance, they will treat you like a personal servant. And that is where you should draw the line. It is fine to facilitate needs of any guest, as long as it doesn’t affect your overall service. By demanding the unreasonable, a few things are happening:

  • You will not have time to do your regular and needed job
  • Other customers do not get the same amount of attention

The very demanding guest which barks orders at you is selfish to say the least. They care only about themselves and you need to put them in their place quickly. If you give in, there is no telling where it ends. The freedom this guest experiences is something they are not ready for.

There is another option; they align themselves according to everyday life. Your guest is actually sweet yet doesn’t really know how to make choices. Not even what to drink. They feel overwhelmed and might shy away even more. Help them out with a smile and steer towards a choice. They will be happy with it.

Personal note:

It can get worse… If this person actually comes in with their partner, which is the root of the evil. The guest will be completely shut down by the partner and might not even talk to you or look you in the eye. It is pretty sad, but also not really our business. Keep in mind in some rare occasions something might actually be wrong. There have been several examples of a child or woman not being there voluntarily. Getting involved means you are on thin ice. If you really have a bad vibe, do not hestitate to call the police and explain the situation.


Den The Man

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