Social etiquette

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Social etiquette is the behavior of an individual in public. The standard which you should try to maintain at work, and if possible in daily life as well.

Now what are some basic principles of social etiquette:

  • Good manners, use common sense
  • Holding doors for others
  • Do not swear
  • Never show up late without reason or message
  • Give others personal space, step aside
  • Show respect to everyone, more so to elderly
  • Do not show up empty-handed to special occasions

All of these etiquette‘s can and should be used at work. Display professionalism in your social contacts and you might find it enjoyable, more than you think. It takes a little more thinking in your actions.


Personal note:

I believe the best way to describe social etiquette is the fact you are able to put yourself in another person’s shoes. How would you like to be talked to or be treated in any random occasion?

Show respect by displaying your good manners and let life smile at you.


Den The Man

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