Business etiquette

etiquette good manners business zakelijk goede manieren dentheman24

The typical etiquette‘s which are used while at work or in any business matter. These are not always easy and require practice and maybe a different perception on business in general.

Now what are some basic principles of business etiquette:

  • Being able to have a decent conversation with back-and-forth conversation
  • Do not lose your temper
  • Do not gossip about business; decisions as well as persons
  • Remember names of people you meet and do business/work with
  • In online communication such as email, choose words carefully(think before you send)
  • Anyone can see your opinions and post on social media, be careful not to offend
  • Think before you speak, you might say something you immediately regret

When at work or conducting business anywhere else, it is all about the result. You will not maximize your results by being arrogant. You should be able to explain your actions, products and services in a respectful and reasonable manner.


Personal note:

A lot of etiquettes in business are about communication. Being up-to-speed on relevant topics is a must as well as having the ability to listen. If you are able to listen and truly understand the motivation other people have for their actions, only then you can properly reply.
Keep your head cool and impress anyone by showing of your business etiquettes.


Den The Man

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