Cost efficiency

bar restaurant cost efficient kosten dentheman24

A good bartender knows to be cost efficient. It means your mind is constantly aware of the financial cost of doing business. And these costs are everywhere. It is not about the sales or profits. You are trying to help the business make more revenue by being responsible with your tools and products.
Some easy tips and tricks to start being more cost efficient today:

There are many ways to save money without the customer having a lesser experience at your bar. It does require some thinking and most importantly: dedication. If the bartender does not care about the employer of their work, why would they help you save money.


Personal note:

Being cost efficient has major impact on financial results, especially on a yearly basis. I advised many restaurants on how to save some money without giving in on quality. The quick fixes which save a few bucks a day. The reply often heard: “I don’t care so much, it’s just a few bucks”. And yes it is. But these few bucks add up to thousands every year. It might be the extra money the business needs to get a small renovation. And if you still don’t care, give the savings as bonus to the staff for being so cost efficient. I’m sure they would appreciate it.


Den The Man

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